Archive – The Environment
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Clams are Kind of Greenhouses – MK

Fascinating topic. Here is a link to an introduction. And a second article telling some benefits. To Build Better Fiber Optic Cables, Ask a Clam We asked Chat GPT: I heard that clams are like miniature greenhouses. What is that about? MK URL

December 17, 2024

Living Shorelines – by Joe Guastella – 032622

This presentation was part of the LBI foundations Science Saturday program. It was presented in March of 2022 – This session will tell you about projects that are underway, what we are learning and how much still needs to be done. URL

September 29, 2022

Tiny oysters play big role in stabilizing eroding shorelines – Mordecai Island, Waretown

As sea levels rise and buildings by coasts are increasingly endangered, communities around the world are turning to the small but mighty oyster to help stabilize shorelines By WAYNE PARRY Associated Press August 28, 2022, URL

August 29, 2022

NJ to Fund Water Quality Improvement Projects June 08, 2022 By Juliet Kaszas-Hoch High Water, Funding

New Jersey recently took a significant step forward with the Department of Environmental Protection’s release of final “Intended Use Plans,” which include billions of dollars of requests for water-quality improvement and public-health protection projects. The potential projects include a range of upgrades to drinking water, storm water and waste water treatment systems. URL

August 19, 2022

DEP Seeks Applications for $10 Million in Stormwater Grants High Water1, Funding

As part of its efforts to improve water quality and mitigate the worsening impacts of flooding caused by climate change, the N.J. Department of Environmental Protection is seeking applications for $10 million in grants to modernize stormwater management systems and to provide technical assistance to municipal, county and utility authorities for resilience planning. URL

NJDOT Mum on Adequacy of New Causeway Storm Water System Questions Remain Unanswered for Nearly Three Months August 17, 2022 By Gina G. Scala – High Water1

Surf City Councilman Peter Hartney is calling out N.J. Department of Transportation officials for failing to address questions about the effectiveness of the new storm water system being built at the entrance to Long Beach Island as part of the final phase of the multi-year, federally funded Causeway expansion and rehabilitation project. URL

Building Rules Eyed to Comply With Flood Safety August 17, 2022 By Maria Scandale – High Water1

Barnegat Light Borough Council introduced an ordinance revising “floodplain management regulations” pursuant to state law and federal flood insurance requirements at its monthly meeting Aug. 10. Similar measures have been passed by other Long Beach Island towns. URL

NJDEP Commissioner Delivers Climate Change Adaptation Remarks to Senate, Assembly August 17, 2022 By Juliet Kaszas-Hoch – High Water1

N.J. Commissioner of Environmental Protection Shawn M. LaTourette testified last week before a joint meeting of the Senate Environment and Energy Committee and the Assembly Environment and Solid Waste Committee about the importance of coastal resilience. As the commissioner noted, “Climate change is the single greatest threat to our communities, economies and way of life in New Jersey. URL

Ocean County Soil Conservation District (OCSCD or District) awarded $961,227 for NJ COASTAL Aquaculture Project (Conservation Opportunities Advancing Sustainable Technologies for Aquaculture Leases

The overarching goals of the NJ COASTAL Aquaculture Project are to promote aquatic habitat on shellfish leases and enhance water quality throughout the Coastal Bays of New Jersey (with a focus on the Barnegat and Great Bay region) by increasing producer participation in NRCS conservation programs. An additional goal……. More URL

August 17, 2022

RCTB Phytoplankton Research 2022 – Data Graphs By Location

This research is part of the Save Barnegat Bay Student Grant Program with funding from the RCTB Lou Fellner Memorial Fund.  RCTB has been growing shellfish at 10 or more locations in the Barnegat Bay Estuary since 2005. Shellfish including: clams, scallops, oysters, and mussels are affected in many ways by the food that they are able to filter out of the water. RCTB members have noticed different growth rates at various locations. Shellfish food or “nutrition” is primarily phytoplankton. Phytoplankton can be many different species of microscopic organisms floating in the water. This project sets out to investigate the types of  nutritional content available to the shellfish raised by RCTB in the bayside nurseries called upwellers. Objective: The goal of the project is twofold; 1) is to establish a procedure to gather information now and into the future. 2) In this first year, gather data about the nutritional condition of the water at the various locations by taking samples in order to identify some of the algae found in the water. The information will then be assembled into a “layman’s” report to be presented to the RCTB members to help them manage their stock of shellfish. This link contains […]

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July 1, 2022

New Jersey Bureau of Stormwater Permitting

Tier A municipalities are generally located within the more densely populated regions of the state or along or near the coast. The Tier A permit addresses stormwater quality issues related to both new and existing development. URL

June 1, 2022

New Jersey Coastal Coalition EE1

The New Jersey Coastal Coalition is a group of New Jersey waterfront communities that meet monthly in a workshop setting, to discuss common municipal flooding issues. Formed in response to the 2012 Super Storm Sandy, we have met regularly since January 2013. Meetings are usually held on the first Thursday of each month at various participant facilities. URL

April 30, 2022

Horseshoe Island Management Plan – Interesting

The area that comprises both Little Egg and Brigantine Inlets in Atlantic County is one of the most dynamic ecosystems in New Jersey. It includes the only undeveloped and unmanaged inlets for over 100 miles. Little Egg Inlet intersects critically important habitat located within the Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge), managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), which also holds a National Wilderness Area. URL


April 18, 2022

A NEW ISLAND FOR BIRDS EMERGES ALONG THE NEW JERSEY COAST April 15th, 2022 By Todd Pover, Senior Wildlife Biologist – Interesting Something unusual and exciting has happened just off the coast of New Jersey; a new island that has become a haven for birds has formed. Located on the southern edge of the Little Egg Inlet, the island is about 1000 feet offshore of Little Beach Island, a Unit of the Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge). URL


April 16, 2022

LBT Field Station 31222,EE1

Our mission is to offer an immersive and experiential facility, that will go beyond simple education. The hands-on programming we will develop and implement will inspire behavior change and show the value of our coastal heritage.

March 16, 2022

New Jersey Bay Islands Restoration Planner 31222

Welcome to the beta (draft) version of the New Jersey Bay Islands Explorer – a decision-support tool for managing NJ’s bay islands from Metedeconk River south to Beach Haven / Little Egg Inlet.


OFFSHORE WIND FARM ARTIFICIAL The submerged parts of their structures act as artificial reefs, providing new habitats and likely affecting fisheries resources. While acknowledging that the footprints of these structures may result in loss of habitat, usually soft sediment, we focus on how the artificial reefs established by OWFs affect ecosystem structure and functioning.

March 14, 2022

he Rutgers University Center for Ocean Observing Leadership (RUCOOL) 021222, EE

The Rutgers University Center for Ocean Observing Leadership (RUCOOL) is creating knowledge of our ocean planet by pushing the limits of science and new technologies while inspiring future generations of ocean explorers.

Coastal Restoration Toolkit 030522

Take Action to Restore Our Coastlines Find tools and information you need to launch a restoration project in your community.

March 5, 2022

Living Shorelines Academy 030522, EE1

Learn about living shorelines – what they are, how they are designed and built, and howthey serve our coastal habitats and communities. Whether you are a property ownerlooking for alternatives to mitigate erosion on your shoreline property, or a contractor ora policy maker looking to gain more in depth knowledge about the design andpermitting of living shorelines, on this site you can find a course, project databases,literature and additional resources to help you achieve those goals.

Partners Collaborate to Protect Bay Islands Federal Grant Will Fund Restoration of Land Off Long Beach Township November 25, 2021 031222

Partners Collaborate to Protect Bay Islands (You will need to Join the Sandpaper, no charge,  to reed this) A couple years back, Long Beach Township and Harvey Cedars joined with a number of partners – including the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, N.J. Department of Environmental Protection, Stockton University Coastal Research Center, The Nature Conservancy, Barnegat Bay Partnership and other stakeholders – to form the NJBII. The group is focused on protecting and promoting the critical functions of bay islands URL

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection letter of October 12, 2021 12922

Excerpt from the letter – – A project of this scope and magnitude could have numerous environmental impacts throughout the NJBB region, the nature and extent of which must be identified prior to arriving at a final recommended plan. At this early stage in the planning process, it does not appear that the level of detail contained in the Tier 1 DEIS is sufficient to adequately assess the potential environmental impacts associated with the TSP. URL

January 29, 2022

Resilient LBI rlbi1, 031922

This is a “mooring” for the Resilient Long Beach Island (LBI) project, its research and findings, its outreach and recommendations. URL

October 18, 2021

Resilient NJ – Climate Resilience Design and Engineering rlbi2, 3522, 031922

The Bureau of Climate Resilience Design and Engineering (BCRDE), within the Climate and Flood Resilience Program, provides design, engineering, and construction support to New Jersey’s communities to improve climate resilience. This explains where RNJ fits into the big picture URL

New Jersey Back Bays Coastal Storm Risk Management Study Draft Feasibility Study and Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement (August 2021) ***note: report and appendices were modified on 23 AUG to adjust pagination, metadata, and formatting***rlbi3

The report outlines a ‘Tentatively Selected Plan’ framework, which includes three storm surge barriers, two cross-bay barriers, and the elevation of more than 18,000 structures to reduce the risk of flood damages associated with storm surge. It’s important to note that the plan is subject to change. It has not yet been approved by higher authorities, including Congress, and has not been funded for implementation at the federal or state level. URL

August 31, 2021

In a Summer of Deadly Deluges, New Research Shows How Global Warming Fuels Flooding rlbi2

In a Summer of Deadly Deluges, New Research Shows How Global Warming Fuels Flooding New attribution research shows that climate change primed the pump and increased the odds of deadly July floods in northwestern Europe. URL

August 25, 2021

Inside Clean Energy: Three Charts that Show the Energy Transition in 50 States

The Energy Information Administration reported last week that, for the first time ever, the United States generated more electricity from renewable sources in 2020 than from coal. URL

Conservation by Design 2.0 Guidance Document

The Nature Conservancy: This version of Conservation by Design, CbD 2.0, is centered on four key advances: 1) explicit consideration of linkages between people and nature, 2) design interventions focused on creating systemic change, 3) integration of spatial planning with the development of new conservation strategies, and 4) robustly drawing upon and building the evidence base for conservation. URL

April 28, 2021

Project WET – Water Education Today

Advancing water education to understand global challenges and inspire local solutions. We envision a world in which action-oriented education enables everyone to understand and value water, ensuring a sustainable future. RCTB Comment – wonderful teaching aids. URL

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March 23, 2021

Beneficial Use of Dredged Sediment To Restore Mordecai Island

The term “Beneficial Use” describes an alternative practice in which dredged sediments are used to support creation or enhancement of coastal habitats like beaches and estuarine wetlands, or in this case, coastal islands. This brief article explains the problem, the work, and the significance. URL

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March 3, 2021

“Ask a Barnegat Bay Scientist” Summer 2020 Webinars

Found at the Barnegat Bay Partnership website – Very useful series includes: Don’t Harass the Seagrass! Tuckerton Oyster Reef Fisheries in Barnegat Bay: Overview of the Biology, Assessment, and Management The Turtle Truth About Barnegat Bay’s Diamondback Terrapins URL

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February 25, 2021

US Can Build Largest Wind Industry in the World

Blog post by Lara Skinner entitled The U.S. Can Build the Largest Offshore Wind Industry in the World with a Commitment to Ambitious Climate Action, Racial Justice, and Good Jobs URL

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February 14, 2021

Pinelands Preservation Alliance EE

Pinelands Preservation Alliance, Pinelands Adventures, and Rancocas Creek Farm are dedicated to furthering justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in their staff and their work. We want everyone to enjoy the benefits the Pinelands provides through low-impact nature recreation, clean air and water, and its unique scenic beauty. URL

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Mid-Atlantic Residents See Ocean Health as Major Economic Issue

Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2017 – Monmouth University – Want More Government Action on Environment, Climate Change Protection WEST LONG BRANCH – Eight in 10 residents of Mid-Atlantic states believe the ocean and beaches are important to their economies, including 95% of those living in coastal communities. Report contains much more.

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December 31, 2020

Monmouth University – The Urban Coast Institute,

Monmouth University – The Urban Coast Institute is a leader in the fields of ocean planning and coastal law and policy. We are committed to supporting the implementation of coastal and ocean management actions and policies based on the best available science at the local, state and regional levels. URL

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On New Jersey’s barrier islands, a needed focus on saving bayside seashores rlbi2

NJ Spotlight News Article – A healthy oceanfront provides little solace for the bay sides of New Jersey’s barrier islands, where land elevation is lowest and most homes run to the water’s edge, protected from inundation by nothing more than bulkheads whose heights are becoming less effective with each centimeter of sea-level rise. Ask any local official on the Jersey Shore — or Army Corps engineer tasked with “solving” the state’s coastal-flooding issues — and they will tell you that it is no longer the oceanfront that keeps them up at night. The fight has fallen back to the long-ignored bay sides of the islands, and time is running out. The first clues on how this battle will unfold came with the Corps’ 2019 Back Bays study, which was born out of the wreckage of Superstorm Sandy. The report concluded that the state’s 950-square-mile back-bay region will soon be incurring $1.57 billion in annual damages if drastic flood-mitigation measures are not implemented. Squeezed between pages on proposals for colossal infrastructure, like storm-surge barriers and floodgates, was a section exploring something less traditional and distinctly Dutch: nature-based features, like marshland restoration. While the study’s proposed $21 billion worth of storm-surge barriers spanning […]

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December 30, 2020


The purpose of the pilot project is to maintain the Barnegat inlet Federal navigation channel while using the dredged material beneficially through strategic placement in the nearshore zone fronting the Atlantic Ocean beach of the northern portion of Long Beach Island, New Jersey. URL

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December 26, 2020

Oyster buyback program revitalizes growers, rebuilds reefs

ANDREW S. LEWIS | DECEMBER 24, 2020 | ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT – NJ Spotlight News Once oysters are purchased from growers along the East Coast, they’re used to ‘reseed’ damaged and dying reefs in New Jersey waters and elsewhere URL

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December 24, 2020

A Practical Manual for Remote Setting in Virginia – 2009 funded by the Virginia Fishery Resource Grant Program. Oyster set

Reclam the Bay uses this as the guide to its Remote Set Program. For Oyster and living shoreline restoration. It will be helpful for people wishing to understand how to grow spat on a substrate that can be used in an oyster reef or to use oysters as part of a living shoreline URL

November 4, 2020

The Marine Mammal Stranding Center, EE1

Rescue, Rehabilitate, Release, Preserve The Marine Mammal Stranding Center is dedicated to responding to marine mammals and sea turtles in distress along all of New Jersey’s waterways and to the rehabilitation of these animals for release back into the wild. In situations where animals may not be released, every effort is made to secure a proper, enriching facility to provide lifetime care. We are further committed to the well-being of marine mammals and to inspire responsible stewardship of our oceans through educational programs and collaboration. URL

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October 30, 2020

New Jersey Organizing Project

New Jersey Organizing Project is a grassroots organization made up of people like you – we stand up for New Jersey’s Shore regions and South Jersey. We connect and train community members to participate in the decision-making processes that affect their daily lives. This is a Center of information with many useful links URL

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October 29, 2020

NY/NJ Baykeeper, EE

NY/NJ Baykeeper is the citizen guardian of the NY-NJ Harbor Estuary. Since 1989, we’ve worked to protect, preserve and restore the ecological integrity and productivity of the waterways and habitats in the most urban estuary on Earth URL


Beach Replenishment In Harvy Cedars on Long Beach Island – LBI

Lots of information about the impact of ocean beach replenishment and impact on surfing. Written by Jon Coen, a surfer himself URL

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En-Roads By Climate Interactive- 042421

En-ROADS is a transparent, freely-available policy simulation model that provides policymakers, educators, businesses, the media, and the public with the ability to explore, for themselves, the likely consequences of energy, economic growth, land use, and other policies and uncertainties, with the goal of improving their understanding. This is a Center of information with many useful links URL

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October 21, 2020

Climate Change NJ rlbi2, 021222

This is a very valuable starting point. New Jersey is working to address and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Information Center URL

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October 20, 2020

The Climate and Flood Resilience Program rlbi2, 030522

The Program consists of four organizational areas: Division of Coastal Engineering Division of Dam Safety and Flood Engineering Division of Program Operations Bureau of Climate Resilience Design Engineering Bureau of Climate Resilience Planning URL

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Climate Interactive rlbi2

Gate way to very useful interactive tools. Climate Interactive is an independent, not-for-profit think-tank that grew out of MIT Sloan in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Based on a long tradition of system dynamics modeling, our simulations and insights help people see connections, play out scenarios, and see what works to address climate change, inequity, and related issues like energy, health, and food. URL

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October 17, 2020

Climate Change 101 for New Jersey rlbi2, 030522, 021222


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October 9, 2020

Sea Level Rise In New Jersey rlbi1

Presented in the summer of 2020 – A “must” starting place on the topic that includes the problem, the reason, and what can and is being done – Dr. Robert Kopp, Director of the Rutgers Institute of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, shares the latest information on sea level rise (SLR), changing coastal storms, and the resulting flood risk from a regional perspective. QBD URL


October 7, 2020

The New Jersey Climate Change Resource Center rlbi2, 31222, EE1

The New Jersey Climate Change Resource Center was established by statute in January 2020 to “create and support the use of impartial and actionable science to advance government, public, private, and nongovernmental sector efforts to adapt to, and mitigate, a changing climate.” To that end, our mission is to: Conduct research with real-world applications to New Jersey’s most pressing climate-related challenges; Create planning tools, develop technical guidance, undertake pilot projects, and provide practical support for addressing climate change in New Jersey; Connect actionable research to policymakers, planners, practitioners, the media, communities, students, and other individuals through outreach, training, and education. URL

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Barnegat Bay Species Database – Field guide

Great online “Field Guide.” Maintained by The Barnegat Bay Partnership a partnership of federal, state, municipal, academic, business, and private organizations that work together with the communities of the Barnegat Bay watershed to help restore, protect, and enhance the water quality and natural resources of the Barnegat Bay and its watershed. URL

September 30, 2020

People and clams have a more complex history than you might think

The relationship between clams and humans is deeper than just chowder. We’ve been interacting with the bivalves for thousands of years, according to a new study, and the animals have actually thrived under human management. URL

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June 30, 2020

Save Barnegat Bay, EE1

Save Barnegat Bay was founded in 1971 with the mission to restore and protect the Barnegat Bay and its ecosystem. We advance our mission by being a strong and independent voice for the Bay throughout the watershed, including all of Ocean and part of Monmouth Counties. URL

June 17, 2020

What Do You Think of BIG Oysters?

Advisory. This link may not work on all computers This article is not about the Barnegat Bay Watershed but it puts a very interesting “spin” on big oysters, wherever you get them. Oh, and it tells why some real science indicates that oysters, large of small, are really good for you. URL


May 23, 2020

Planning Living Shorelines Projects in New Jersey

This guide provides information and resources on the key steps in identifying, planning, and implementing living shorelines in your community. URL

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May 22, 2020

Tide Chart for Manahawkin Bridge

NOAA tide charts. To review a different location select “NOAA Tide Predictions” and then select “NewJersey” or other state, and then select the location of interest. Rick

May 14, 2020

Tide Chart for Seaside Park

NOAA tide charts. To review a different location select “NOAA Tide Predictions” and then select “NewJersey” or other state, and then select the location of interest. Rick

Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal

Extremely useful – A series of interactive maps published on the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal illustrates the shifts that have taken place over the last five decades by several commercially and recreationally important fish species living along the East Coast.

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April 21, 2020

Engineering With Nature

EWN Initiative Engineering With Nature is the intentional alignment of natural and engineering processes to efficiently and sustainably deliver economic, environmental, and social benefits through collaborative processes.this provides links to an Atlas of Projects Army Corps of Engineers US ACE Rick

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November 27, 2019

The New York – New Jersey Harbor & Estuary Program (HEP), EE1

The New York – New Jersey Harbor & Estuary Program (HEP) brings the benefits of the Clean Water Act to the people who live, work, and recreate on our shared waterways. HEP decisions and activities are carried out by staff and partners organized through the committees and work groups.

October 16, 2019

New Jersey Pinelands Commission EE1

The New Jersey Pinelands Commission is an independent state agency whose mission is to “preserve, protect, and enhance the natural and cultural resources of the Pinelands National Reserve, and to encourage compatible economic and other human activities consistent with that purpose.”

Stevens Flood Advisory System – 020621 rlbi1

This is a comprehensive flood projection the is based on wind, current, and tide. The tool provides forecasts on many locations. This link is for what they call the East Thorofare at Ship Bottom NJ but you can select others. Rick


October 13, 2019

The Wetlands Institute 030522

Mission Statement: – To promote appreciation, understanding & stewardship of wetlands and coastal ecosystems through our programs in research, conservation, and education. Goals – Teach people of all ages the value of wetlands and coastal ecosystems for the survival of life on earth Conduct cutting-edge research regarding wetlands and coastal ecosystems Encourage stewardship of these ecosystems worldwide

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October 9, 2019


Navigation and Nature: Philaelphia District took action to restore navigation after Sandy, but also looked for opportunities to assist with shoreline & ecosystem recovery and build coastal system resilience with clean dredged sediment Monica Chasten, Project Manager, Operations Division U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) Philadelphia District

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Flooding is expected to become more frequent along the barrier island – rlbi1, High Water

September of 2019 – Deals with flooding on Long Beach Island – Amanda Oglesby, Asbury Park Press USA TODAY NETWORK – NEW JERSEY

September 14, 2019

Mordecai Land Trust 030522, EE1

A community-based organization Is using a living shoreline to preserve Mordecai Island as a habitat for breeding and migratory species of indigenous birds and fish and to protect large portions of Beach Haven from flooding. Rick

September 13, 2019

NJ Proposed Energy Master Plan – Draft June 2019

Draft of the proposed Energy Master Plan for New Jersey Governor Murphy, through Executive Order 28, has directed the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities to draft the 2019 Energy Master Plan. The EMP Committee conducted a robust stakeholder process in September and October 2018 with seven public hearings to gather information in key areas. In June 2019, NJBPU announced opportunities for the public to comment on the Draft EMP.

September 4, 2019

Empower NJ Fighting Climate Change in NJ rlbi2

Empower NJ is a growing coalition of more than 50 environmental and grassroots groups, formed to advocate for an immediate moratorium on all new fossil fuel projects. This is their report supporting a moratorium on fossil fuels.


September 3, 2019

American Littoral Society – Protecting the Coast through Education, Conservation and Advocacy 030522, EE1

When we restore habitat, our objective is not only to restore a dune or rebuild an oyster reef, but also to motivate people to invest “sweat equity” into a piece of the coast, take ownership and become committed stewards. When we educate, we don’t merely provide books, CDs, or handouts. We lead students young and old into the water to get their feet wet and their hands muddy. Rick

September 1, 2019

NJ DEP Barnegat Bay, Phase Two: Moving Science into Action – Text and Video

The NJDEP Office of Science working with the Science Advisory Board, state universities, the U.S. Geological Survey, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the Barnegat Bay Partnership developed and is funding additional research projects to address data gaps. The research agenda that has emerged will help address how we improve water quality and advance habitat restoration on the Bay, and establish baseline conditions of the Bay. Rick


Clean Ocean Action – 042421, EE1

Clean Ocean Action is a leading national and regional voice working to protect waterways using science, law, research, education, and citizen action. Rick


August 31, 2019

Conserve Wildlife of NJ 030522, EE1

Conserve Wildlife of New Jersey has a rich biodiversity that belies its small size and urban reputation. In every corner of our state, species of wildlife, considered rare and imperiled enough to be protected by state or federal law, are woven in to the tapestry of life in our state. It is our duty, and our privilege, to protect these species. We gather the best science, tried and true conservation techniques, innovative education activities and an engaged corps of willing volunteers Rick


Barnegat Bay Partnership 030522 EE1

The Barnegat Bay Partnership (formerly the Barnegat Bay National Estuary Program) is a partnership of federal, state, municipal, academic, business, and private organizations that work together with the communities of the Barnegat Bay watershed to help restore, protect, and enhance the natural resources of the Barnegat Bay ecosystem. Rick

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August 30, 2019

NJ DEP – Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEPs) – Proposal Submissions

Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEPs) – Proposal Submissions The NJDEP is now accepting shovel ready projects from outside organizations (i.e. municipalities, municipal committees, counties, non-profit organizations, agencies, clubs and organizations) to be funded by SEP monies.


Jersey-Friendly Yards – Landscaping for a Healthy Environment

Native plants help conserve and filter water, provide habitat for native wildlife, protect soil resources, and reduce the costs and environmental impacts associated with fertilizers and pesticides.

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New Jersey Invasive Species Council, EE1

To address growing concerns about invasive species, state officials convened the New Jersey Invasive Species Council to coordinate and guide invasive species activities throughout New Jersey and to act as a liaison for regional and national cooperative efforts.

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Report on coastal storm and flood risk in the North Atlantic region of the United States

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers today released to the public a report detailing the results of a two-year study to address coastal storm and flood risk to vulnerable populations, property, ecosystems, and infrastructure in the North Atlantic region of the United States affected by Hurricane Sandy in October, 2012.


Nature Conservancy Shoreline Projects

Contains a map that currently has 209 restoration sites that have been submitted to the database. The sites can be accessed either by pressing on a location or by scrolling through the project list. Each location includes a summary, photos and details such as techniques used, data collected, habitats, species and project objectives. There is also an option to filter your search.

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Learn about living shorelines – what they are, how they are designed and built, and how they serve our coastal habitats and communities. Whether you are a property owner looking for alternatives to mitigate erosion on your shoreline property, or a contractor or a policy maker looking to gain more in depth knowledge about the design and permitting of living shorelines, on this site you can find a course, project databases, literature and additional resources to help you achieve those goals.This site has some very useful information. It deals mainly with Georgia, North and South Carolina, and the Chesapeak

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Getting to Resilience 030522, 031922

ENABLING COMMUNITIES TO BE PREPARED AND MORE RESILIENT. This provided a starting point leading to the Resilient LBI Program. This online self assessment process is a tool to assist communities to reduce vulnerability and increase preparedness by linking planning, mitigation, and adaptation. Through this assessment you will find out how your preparedness can be worth valuable points through FEMA’s Community Rating System and Sustainable Jersey. William

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August 24, 2019

Nature Based Solutions

  The purpose of this guide is to help communities utilize the right RFP language that will increase the quality and variety of the resulting proposals in favor of those that use nature-based or other innovative solutions that increase resiliency and provide additional public benefits related to managing flood and stormwater hazards. William

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Living Shorelines And Resiliency Planning

Coastal is a decision support tool that incorporates the best available science and local data to enable communities and conservation practitioners to identify nature-based solutions for enhancing resilience and reducing risk where possible. For additional project information, visit the New Jersey home page.


Ecological Solutions to Coastal Communities

This report advances practices designed to help coastal communities become safer and more sustainable using nature based solutions that work with, rather than against, nature.  William

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