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Recent News
The maintenance at Cattus today is canceled due to weather. Stay tuned for further announcements. Weather conditions for the next few days do not look good. Erich Meyer
National Flood Insurance Program Community Rating System – CRS
The National Flood Insurance Program's (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS) is a voluntary incentive program that recognizes and encourages community floodplain management activities that exceed the minimum NFIP requirements.
Clam Planting
On Monday morning twelve volunteers from three different upweller sites planted over 175,000 seed clams on our Waretown lease. The clams came from Holiday Harbor, Trader’s Cove and Mantoloking Yacht Club. Trader’s Cove and MYC will have one more day of work to...
Frank Vives and I removed all of the animals in the upwellers from Trader's Cove and Cattus today so there will be no regular maintenance performed at Cattus this week. The spat tank pump feed however is still active. I will keep you informed concerning the...
Clam Planting
Twelve volunteers from three different upweller sites planted over 175,000 seed clams on our Waretown lease this morning. The clams came from Holiday Harbor, Trader's Cove and Mantoloking Yacht Club. Trader's Cove and MYC will have one more day to remove the pump,...
End of Year Update
The 2019 shellfish growing season in its final weeks and we will be planting our clams shortly. It was an unusual year in that we had bay scallops for a while and we had some new seed size rules that required us to move our oysters three times as they grew beyond...
The Barnegat Bay Partnership’s (BBP) Shellfish Working Group
The Barnegat Bay Partnership’s (BBP) Shellfish Working Group (SWG) is an ad-hoc committee formed in May 2014 under the purview of the BBP Science and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) as set forth in the STAC charter document.
The New York – New Jersey Harbor & Estuary Program (HEP), EE1
The New York - New Jersey Harbor & Estuary Program (HEP) brings the benefits of the Clean Water Act to the people who live, work, and recreate on our shared waterways. HEP decisions and activities are carried out by staff and partners organized through the...
New Jersey Pinelands Commission EE1
The New Jersey Pinelands Commission is an independent state agency whose mission is to "preserve, protect, and enhance the natural and cultural resources of the Pinelands National Reserve, and to encourage compatible economic and other human activities consistent with...
Stevens Flood Advisory System – 020621 rlbi1
This is a comprehensive flood projection the is based on wind, current, and tide. The tool provides forecasts on many locations. This link is for what they call the East Thorofare at Ship Bottom NJ but you can select others.
The Wetlands Institute 030522
Mission Statement: - To promote appreciation, understanding & stewardship of wetlands and coastal ecosystems through our programs in research, conservation, and education. Goals - Teach people of all ages the value of wetlands and coastal ecosystems for the...
Navigation and Nature: Philaelphia District took action to restore navigation after Sandy, but also looked for opportunities to assist with shoreline & ecosystem recovery and build coastal system resilience with clean dredged sediment Monica Chasten, Project...
Hard Clams as Indicators of Suspended Particulates in Barnegat Bay
Final Report for the Project: “Assessment of summer-fall conditioning of hard clams, Mercenaria mercenaria, in the Barnegat Bay estuary in relation to clam size and environmental conditions April 1, 2014 to July 31, 2015 Dr. V. Monica Bricelj, Rutgers University,,...
Flooding is expected to become more frequent along the barrier island – rlbi1, High Water
September of 2019 - Deals with flooding on Long Beach Island - Amanda Oglesby, Asbury Park Press USA TODAY NETWORK – NEW JERSEY
Mordecai Land Trust 030522, EE1
A community-based organization Is using a living shoreline to preserve Mordecai Island as a habitat for breeding and migratory species of indigenous birds and fish and to protect large portions of Beach Haven from flooding.
Surf City NJ Official Site
Surf City, New Jersey Taxpayer Association
Long Beach Township NJ Official Site
Harvey Cedars NJ Official Site
NJ Proposed Energy Master Plan – Draft June 2019
Draft of the proposed Energy Master Plan for New Jersey Governor Murphy, through Executive Order 28, has directed the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities to draft the 2019 Energy Master Plan. The EMP Committee conducted a robust stakeholder process in September and...
Empower NJ Fighting Climate Change in NJ rlbi2
Empower NJ is a growing coalition of more than 50 environmental and grassroots groups, formed to advocate for an immediate moratorium on all new fossil fuel projects. This is their report supporting a moratorium on fossil fuels.
American Littoral Society – Protecting the Coast through Education, Conservation and Advocacy 030522, EE1
When we restore habitat, our objective is not only to restore a dune or rebuild an oyster reef, but also to motivate people to invest “sweat equity” into a piece of the coast, take ownership and become committed stewards. When we educate, we don’t merely provide...
NJ DEP Barnegat Bay, Phase Two: Moving Science into Action – Text and Video
The NJDEP Office of Science working with the Science Advisory Board, state universities, the U.S. Geological Survey, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the Barnegat Bay Partnership developed and is funding additional research projects to address data gaps....
Fish For Tomorrow
Commercial fishermen and research scientists working together to ensure sustainable fisheries. 'The Miracle at Sea' is an example of the resurgence of the scallop industry. Scientists discuss steps taken to increase the yield of scallop beds. The following is an...
Viking Village
At Viking Village, we are dedicated to keeping all local and U.S. fishermen fishing and harvesting responsibly. We take pride in being leaders in a program emphasizing responsibly caught fish and scallops, ensuring minimal impact on the environment and fish habitat....
Clean Ocean Action – 042421, EE1
Clean Ocean Action is a leading national and regional voice working to protect waterways using science, law, research, education, and citizen action.
Conserve Wildlife of NJ 030522, EE1
Conserve Wildlife of New Jersey has a rich biodiversity that belies its small size and urban reputation. In every corner of our state, species of wildlife, considered rare and imperiled enough to be protected by state or federal law, are woven in to the tapestry of...
Barnegat Bay Partnership 030522 EE1
The Barnegat Bay Partnership (formerly the Barnegat Bay National Estuary Program) is a partnership of federal, state, municipal, academic, business, and private organizations that work together with the communities of the Barnegat Bay watershed to help restore,...
NJ DEP – Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEPs) – Proposal Submissions
Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEPs) - Proposal Submissions The NJDEP is now accepting shovel ready projects from outside organizations (i.e. municipalities, municipal committees, counties, non-profit organizations, agencies, clubs and organizations) to be...
Southern Ocean Coastal Resiliency Resource Page 030522
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