Helping Teach and Learn

You play a crucial role connecting RCTB with the public, whose assistance is vital in helping ReClam The Bay. (More information about how you can help)

Fun Events! Help out and Learn from the Other Members

Do you want to participate in RCTB educational activities?
We are looking for people who want to:

• Tell the RCTB story and help others to tell it

• Become more proficient at sharing your knowledge

• Just want to understand more about our estuary

The outreach education program provides members the opportunity to become more proficient at one or all three, through participation.
You can also observe our members during classroom activities.(contact

Get started by meeting our members at our activities

kinds at a shellfish nursery

Visit a Shellfish Nursery

See thousands of baby clams and oysters. Talk to the people who care for them.
Maps, Locations, Day and time 
children helping at a reclam the bay event

Participate in an interactive hands on presentation

Meet at various locations on LBI from museums to bay side to learn the history and the culture of LBI as well as the creatures that live here.

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kids at a reclam the bay event

Visit us at Fun Events

Surf City Farmers Market, and other events. See the live creatures and learn about them in a fun one-to-one setting.
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